DR GAN DENTISTRY Specialised in making happy smiles MAKE APPOINTMENT WE SPECIALISED IN MAKING HAPPY SMILES ONLY PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY Dental Check Up Checking of the health of the gum, any problem related to the teeth... X-ray Check any problem that is hidden and could not be detected... Oral Health Education Comprehensive guideline on how to maintain a good oral health in daily lives... GENERAL DENTAL Cleaning Services Regular scaling and polishing to prevent problem to the gum... Restorative Treatment Restorative treatment such as fillings, root canal treatment or crown and bridges... Extraction Extraction, if there is any tooth that is unsalvageable... INVISALIGN Nearly Invisible You can be sure to smile with confidence as it is virtually invisible... Removable You can easily remove it to enjoy your favourite food any time you want... Clearer Timeline Allows you to visualise every stage of the treatment, giving a clearer picture... DENTAL CROWN AND BRIDGES Replace a large filling Fixed prosthesis to restore a tooth that is severely damaged or lost... Reshape a tooth for cosmetic reason Helps to create a beautiful smile... Protect a weak tooth from further damage Avoid further damage and additional treatment... EARLY CHILDREN DENTISTRY Prevention Prevent any teeth problem at young ages... Early Treatment Help avoid complicated treatment due to lack of treatment at early stage... Regular Dental Visit Help to establish and get used to dental habit at young age... EARLY ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Early Assessment Attend to issue immediately without delay... Goal of Early Treatment Intercept and eliminate the cause, guide the growth of facial and jaw bones... Prescribe Custom Holder Hold teeth in place to bring desirable changes... Your name Your email Your message (optional) WE SPECIALISED IN MAKING HAPPY SMILES ONLY [email protected] dr.gwen.gan