Monday – Friday 

    10am – 8pm


    Email : [email protected]

    Beautiful smile starts from young.

    There are three importance parts to bring your kids to see a dentist since young:


    Prevention is always better than cure. One of the best gifts that you could give to your kids is to prevent any problem to the tooth.

    Early treatment

    If there is any problem to the tooth, regular dental visit could help to catch it at early stage and hence avoid complicated treatment. Complex treatment at young age may cause dental trauma to kids and hence affect them lifelong.

    Regular dental visit

    Once your kids are used to a regular dental treatment, it will become part of their habit when they grow up.

    Early orthodontic treatment needs assessment

    It is important to check the growth of the jaw and teeth early. If there is any problem in their bites, early intervention could solve the problem or make the treatment later (braces) less complicated.