Mandibular tori or torus (plural) is a common harmless bone growth that develops at the lower jaw, at the side near to the tongue.
This condition normally does not have any significant impact to life as it does not disturb speech, eating or how the person looks.
Hence, most people never realise they have this excessive bone growth in their mouth until they were pointed out; or they just never know its existence.
Clinical Features
The mandibular torus present as a bony structure along the inner aspect of the lower jaw near to the premolar region.
It can be either a single nodule or a bilateral growth (growing on both left and right side of the jaw)
The color of the tissue covering the bony structure is of the same color like the gum, and the surface feel smooth.
In rare circumstances, the bilateral tori can grow so big that the almost meet in the midline.
No treatment is necessary generally.
The only time that a treatment is considered is when a denture is required at the site, and the presence of tori makes it hard for a denture to be placed.
In such a case, a surgical removal is required to accomodate the denture.
My Experience With Mandibular Tori
It is a very common condition among Asian and I see it quite often in my practice.
Recently I was approached by my patients raising concern about this as they were worried that it is something cancerous.
The first lady was a 80-ish lady and she was very concerned since she had lived so long and she never realised of its existence. I assured her that this is a harmless condition and we took photos to record it in case it grows bigger.
Another patient rushed in with a sudden panic attack worrying that her torus had grown. (We have discussed about her torus two years ago, radiograph and record was taken). This is a very young lady at her twenties. For her, I too make sure that the record is well taken and we measured it so that we can be sure if it grows.
The experience with these two ladies actually made me reflect on myself that something that is common in a dentist eyes, may not be something that patient is cool about.
The best is to inform patient whenever I see such condition and make sure they understand about it.
If you have a similar condition and you are wondering what is this, the best thing is to schedule and appointment with a dentist for a check up.
Else, you can send me a picture and if it is clear enough, I am happy to help diagnosing it.
Hope you learn somethin from this post.
Have a good day.
Thank you.
With Love,
Dr Gwen Gan